Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Tuesday Prayer for 4/9/13 (um, plus a day...)


(inspired by Acts 9:1-6)

One: Knocked on the ground by a flash of light, Saul - gasping for breath and grasping for vision - hears a voice...
Many: “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?”
One: Have you heard the voice of God this week?  Was it a question?
Many: A plea?
One: A blessing?
Many: A cry?
One: A call?
Many: A song?
One: Have you heard the voice of God this week?  Did it come in the form of a person?
Many: A feeling?
One: A coincidence?
Many: An incident?
One: A surprise?
Many: A healing?
One: Have you heard the voice of God this week?  Amen.

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