Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tuesday Prayer 11/13/12: A Call to Worship

Call to Worship:

One: Shhhhhhhhhh...

Many: (Silence)

One: Shhhhhhhhhh...

Many: (Silence)

One:  (Quietly) God fills every nook and cranny of this place; every pew, every corner...

Many: (Quietly) ... every broken heart, every healing soul...

One: (Quietly) If you listen carefully, you can hear Her...

Many: (Quietly but growing louder) God is still speaking and crying and healing and loving and giggling and dancing and playing and calling...

One: (in full voice) ...and insisting on works of peace; and insisting on just relationships with the earth; and calling for prophets and activists...

Many:  (in normal voice) ...and teachers and healers and poets and preachers and students and leaders and care-givers and visionaries...

One:  God is calling us - yes, us - from every nook and cranny of this place; every pew, every corner...

Many: (Quietly) ... every broken heart, every healing soul...

One: Shhhhhhhhhh...

Many: (Silence)

One: Shhhhhhhhhh...

Many: (Silence)

All: (Whispered) Amen.