(Almost 20 years ago, I used to do a weekly email that sent out an alternative liturgy for individual practitioners of Christianity and small groups. One of the elements that was part of this liturgy was a weekly interpretation of the Lord's Prayer. I'm going to try and do this every Saturday for this blog.)
God of us all who is within us, among us and between us,
Help us to know more of who you are.
May we know your presence here,
May we know your hopes for us today,
May all ground be known as holy.
May we have enough of what we need.
Help us to know what it is to be forgiven and
Help us to be generous with forgiveness, too.
Help us make the right choices for the right reasons and
Help us make right wrongs, too.
Nice, Mike. I look forward to reading more of your writing. I love that you are developing a systematic approach. Perhaps when I am done with school, I'll be able to attend to my blog with purpose. Sometimes, I think, I reach more people here than in my church. Le sigh.
Terri Stewart
(UMC student at SU)
I have two blogs:
www.cloakedmonk.com (spirituality focused writings) AND